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Kinesiology and Community Health :: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Erickson KI, Prakash R, Voss M, Chaddock L, Heo S, McLaren M, Pence B, Martin S, Vieira V, Woods JA, Kramer A. BDNF is associated with age-related decline in hippocampal volume. Journal of Neuroscience, 30(15): 5368-5375, 2010.
- Wilund KR, Rosenblat M, Chung HR, Volkova N, Kaplan M, Woods JA, Aviram M. Macrophages from the pro-inflammatory alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor knockout (α7nAchr-/-) mice demonstrate increased cholesterol accumulation and decreased cellular PON2 expression: a possible link between the nervous system and atherosclerosis development. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 390(1): 148-154, 2009.
- Woods JA, Keylock KT, Lowder TW, Vieira VJ, Zelkovich W, Dumich S, Colantuano K, Lyons K, Leifheit K, Chapman-Novakofski KM, McAuley E. Cardiovascular exercise training extends influenza vaccine seroprotection in previously sedentary, healthy older adults: The Immune Function Intervention Trial (ImFIT). Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 57: 2183-2191, 2009.
- Martin SA, Pence BD, Woods JA. Exercise and respiratory viral infections. Exercise and Sports Science Reviews 37(4): 157-164, 2009.
- Woods JA, Vieira VJ, Keylock KT. Exercise, Inflammation, and innate immunity. Immunology Allergy Clinics North America 29(2): 381-393, 2009.
- Vieira VJ, Valentine RJ, Woods JA. Effects of exercise and low-fat diet on adipose tissue inflammation and metabolic complications in obese mice. American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism, 296(5): E1164-1171, 2009.
- Vieira V, Hu L, Valentine RJ, McAuley E, Evans EM, Baynard T, Woods JA. Reduction in trunk fat predicts cardiovascular exercise training-related reductions in C-reactive protein. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 23: 485-491, 2009.
- Valentine RJ, Evans EM, Vieira VJ, Baynard T, Hu L, McAuley E, Woods JA. Sex differences in the relationship between obesity, C-reactive protein, physical activity, sleep quality and fatigue in older adults. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 23: 643-648, 2009.
- Matsumoto T, Shiva D, Kawanishi N, Kato Y, Woods JA, Yano H. Salmonella administration induces a reduction of wheel running activity via a TLR5, but not a TLR 4-, dependent pathway. Exercise Immunology Reviews, 14: 38-50, 2008.
- Krzyszton CP, Sparkman NL, Grant RW, Buchanan JB, Broussard SR, Woods JA, Johnson RW. Exacerbated fatigue and motor deficits in interleukin-10 deficient mice after peripheral immune stimulation. American Journal of Physiology Regulatory, Integrative, and Comparative Physiology, 295: R1109-1114, 2008.
- Moreau M, Andre C, O’Connor JC, Dumich SA, Woods JA, Kelley KW, Dantzer R, Lestage J, Castanon N. Inoculation of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin to mice induces an acute episode of sickness behavior followed by chronic depressive-like behavior. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 22: 1087-1095, 2008.
- Grant R, Mariani RA, Vieira V, Fleshner M, Smith T, Keylock KT, Lowder T, McAuley E, Woods JA. Exercise intervention improves the primary antibody response to keyhole limpet hemocyanin in previously sedentary older adults. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 22: 923-932, 2008.
- Keylock KT, Vieira V, Wallig MA, Dipietro LA, Schrementi M, Woods JA. Exercise accelerates wound healing and decreases wound inflammation in old mice. American Journal of Physiology Regulatory, Integrative, and Comparative Physiology, 294: R179-184, 2008.
- Lowder, T, Lankford, D., Padgett, D., and J.A. Woods.
Moderate exercise protects mice from death due to influenza. Brain, Behav. and Imm., 19: 377-380, 2005.
- Zielinski, M.R., M.A. Wallig, P. Horn, M. Muenchow, and J.A. Woods.
Exercise delays allogeneic tumor growth and reduces intra-tumoral inflammation and vascularization. J Appl Physiol. 2004 Jun;96(6):2249-56. Epub 2004 Mar 12
- Yoon, P., K.T. Keylock, M.E. Hartman, G.G. Freund and J.A. Woods.
Macrophage hypo-responsiveness to interferon- in aged mice is associated with impaired signaling through Jak-STAT. Mech. Ageing Dev. 125: 137-143, 2004.
- Woods, J.A., M.A. Ceddia, M. Zack, T. Lowder, and Q. Lu.
Exercise training restores the näive to memory T lymphocyte ratio in old mice. Brain, Behav. and Imm., 17: 384-392, 2003.
- Woods, J.A., T. Lowder, and K.T. Keylock.
Can exercise training improve immune function in the aged? Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 959: 117-127, 2002.
- Yellayi, S., A. Naaz, M.A. Szewczykowski, T. Sato, J.A. Woods, J. Chang, M. Segre, W.G. Helferich, and P.S. Cooke.The soy phytoestrogen genistein induces thymic and immune abnormalities in mice: a potential human health hazard? Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 99 (11): 7616-7621, 2002.
- Woods, J.A., T. Lowder, and K.T. Keylock.Can exercise training improve immune function in the aged? Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 959: 117-127, 2002.
- Pedersen, B.K., J.A. Woods, and D.C. Nieman.
Exercise-induced immune changes - an influence on metabolism? Trends in Immunol. 22(9): 473-475, 2001.
- Pedersen, B.K., J.A. Woods, and D.C. Nieman.
Exercise-induced immune changes - an influence on metabolism? Trends in Immunology 22(9): 473-475, 2001.
- Woods, J.A., Q. Lu, M.A. Ceddia, and T. Lowder.
Exercise induced modulation of macrophage function. J. Immunol. Cell Biol.,78: 545-553, 2000.
- Woods, J.A.
Exercise and neuroendocrine modulation of macrophage function. Int. J. Spt. Med. 21: S24-S30, 2000.
- Ceddia, M.A., E.W. Voss Jr., and J.A. Woods. Intracellular mechanisms are responsible for the exhaustive exercise-induced suppression of macrophage antigen presentation. J. Appl. Physiol. 88(2): 804, 2000, *selected as a highlighted article.
- Yellayi, S., C. Teuscher, J.A. Woods, T. Welsh, K.S. Tung, C. Rosenfeld, D.B. Lubahn, and P.S. Cooke.
Role of estrogen receptor alpha (ERa) in the development and function of the thymus in male mice. Endocrine 12(3): 207-213, 2000.
- Ceddia, M.A., and J.A. Woods. Exercise suppresses macrophage antigen presentation. J. Appl. Physiol. 87(6): 2253-2258, 1999.
- Woods, J.A., M.A. Ceddia, J.K. Evans, E.A. Price, B.W. Wolters, E. McAuley, and Q. Lu. Effects of chronic endurance exercise on immune function in the elderly. Mech. Age. Dev.,109(1):1-19, 1999.
- Lu, Q., M.A. Ceddia, E.A. Price, and J.A. Woods. Chronic exercise increases macrophage-mediated anti-tumor cytolytic function in young and old mice. Am. J. Physiol. 276(2): R482-R489, 1999.
- Ceddia, M.A., E.A. Price, C.K. Kohlmeier, J.K. Evans, Q. Lu, E. McAuley, and J.A. Woods.Differential leukocytosis and lymphocyte response to acute maximal exercise in the young and old. Med. Sci. Spt. Exerc. 31(6): 829-836, 1999.
- Woods, J.A., J.M. Davis, J.A. Smith, and D.C. Nieman.Exercise and cellular innate immune function. Med. Sci. Spt. Exerc. 31: 57-66, 1999.
- Woods, J.A., Evans, J.K., Wolters, B.W., Ceddia, M.A., and E. McAuley. Effects of maximal exercise on natural killer (NK) cell activity and responsiveness to interferon-a in the young and old. J. Gerontol. Biol. Sci., 53: B430-B437, 1998.
- Woods, J.A. Exercise and resistance to neoplasia. Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 76: 1-8, 1998.
- Woods, J.A., M.A. Ceddia, C. Kozak, and B. W. Wolters.
Effects of exercise on the macrophage MHC II response to inflammation. Int. J. Spt. Med. 18: 483-488, 1997.
- Woods, J.A., N.S. Shahabi, and B.M. Sharp.Characterization of a naloxone-resistant ß-endorphin receptor on murine peritoneal macrophages. Life Sciences 60(9): 573-586, 1997.